About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The International Journal of Accounting and Business Society is devoted to developing bodies of accounting knowledge and enhancing the understanding of accounting and business, particularly in developing and developed countries. Published material will range from original theoretical and empirical contributions to review articles describing state-of-the-art in specific areas in a major international journal concerned with all aspects of the relationship between management, accounting, international business, entrepreneurship, business economics, risk management, knowledge management, information systems, ethics, and sustainability science and not limited. Shorter critical assessments of experiments related to the behavioural, organizational, and social aspects of accounting and business will also be published. Other journal features include book reviews, bibliographical material, and news on related legislation developments.

Peer Review Process

The International Journal of Accounting and Business Society is a journal that operates a double-blind review process, and the editor for suitability for the journal will initially assess all contributions. Papers deemed suitable are then typically sent to at least two independent expert reviewers to assess the paper's scientific quality. The Editor is responsible for the final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of articles. The Editor's decision is final.

Publication Frequency

The International Journal of Accounting and Business Society is published in a single volume every year. Each volume consists of three issues, normally published in April, August, and December.

Plagiarism Policy

Each submitted manuscript will be checked for plagiarism levels with a Turnitin application to prevent plagiarism. The maximum limit for total detected sources is 20%, and each detected source is a maximum of 2%.


This journal utilizes the LOCKSS and CLOCKSS systems to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries. It permits those libraries to create permanent journal archives for preservation and restoration.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global knowledge exchange.


Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya

School of Accounting, Economics, and Finance.  Faculty of Business The University of Wollongong

Journal History

IJABS was established in 1993.